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  Monday, 17 February 2025 
Terms & Conditions

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F11 & F12, 1st Floor, Mall 2, CityOne Megamall, Jalan Song,
93350 Kuching, Sarawak,Malaysia



PayBillsMalaysia is an electronic bill presentation and payment service/portal (the Service), established, operated, maintained and owned by SiliconNet Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (SNT). PayBillsMalaysia is powered by PaymentGalaxy® Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment Engine.

The Service is :-

  • Internet based and accessible on PayBillsMalaysia websites at, and;
  • designed to enable participating public utilities, local councils, government or semi-government agencies, clubs, associations and other such bodies ( Biller or collective Billers) to deliver bills and statements electronically;
  • designed to enable authorized users to pay the Billers' bills electronically either by authorizing the debit of the user's credit card or of a designated account at a participating bank or financial institution (F.I. or collective F.I.s)

In order to become an authorized user of the Service, you must:-

  • read the following terms and conditions which you must fully and unconditionally accept;
  • register on-line on the PayBills Malaysia website, have your registration validated and be given a password
  • open an account with a participating F.I. or apply for a credit card with which to make payments.
  • NOTE, that by registering on-line you will be deemed to have read, thoroughly understood, and fully and unconditionally accepted the following terms and conditions;
  • Upon validation and approval by SNT, a unique Password will be assigned to you for your sole and exclusive use to gain access to the Service whereupon you will become an authorized user of the Service and will be bound by the following terms and conditions;
  • Billers and F.I.s may require separate and written application and may have their own terms and conditions for the PayBills Service;

On-line registration for the Service is provided in utmost good faith and belief in the registeree's identity. SNT accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever if it is later shown that any such online registration was frivolous, vexatious or fraudulent, or done without your knowledge or consent.


Terms and Conditions

In this document which sets out the terms and conditions for the use of PayBillsMalaysia, the following words expressions and abbreviations shall have or bear the meanings assigned to them hereunder:-

"Biller" or "Billers" refer any public utilities, local councils, government or semi-government agencies, clubs, associations or such other bodies which use the Service to electronically deliver their bills or statements;

"F.I." or "F.I.'s" refer to the banks and financial institutions which permit the payment of the Billers' bills by allowing authorized users of the Service to debit their Payment Accounts;

"Password" the code name or identification number that has been issued by SNT, or selected by authorized users to enable them to gain access to the SNT Web site.

"PayBillsMalaysia" is the name given by SNT to the Service provided, which SNT intends to register as its trademark;

"Payment Account" means an account with an F.I. designated by an authorized user from which funds may be drawn to pay the Billers' bills under the Service;

"SNT" refers to SiliconNet Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (394813-H), a Company incorporated and registered in Malaysia under the Companies Act 1965 and having its registered office at F11 & F12, 1st Floor, Mall 2, CityOne Megamall, Jalan Song, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

"PayBillsMalaysia websites" refers to the portal on the Internet maintained by SNT and currently identified as, and for the provision of the Service;

"the Service Procedures" refer to SNT's policies, procedures and hardware and software compatibility requirements related to the user of the Service;

"We", "us" and "our" shall wherever the context permits refer to SNT, its servants and agents.

"You" and "Your" refer to an authorized individual or corporate user of the Service who has read, understood and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions herein.

1   General
  The Service, is an Internet-based service that delivers electronic bills and statements to you, and enables you to make payments to Billers that send you bills or statements using the Service. The Service Procedures will be set forth on SNT's Web site, incorporated in the Service screens or otherwise distributed to you, and may be modified or amended by SNT by posting on the SNT Web site, or by other means of distribution to you. The Service Procedures are part of the Terms and Conditions. By registering to use the Service, you agree to follow the Service Procedures, to use the Service only for bona fide and lawful purposes permitted under the Terms and Conditions (including the Service Procedures) and to update your software and hardware if necessary to use the Service.
2   Consent to Electronic Communication
  By registering to use the Service, you also agree that any and all disclosures and communications regarding the Service between you and us or any Biller, including matters covered in the Terms and Conditions, may be made electronically, including in our case, by posting to the SNT Web site in accordance with applicable law. Any electronic disclosure or communication we make by posting in the SNT Web site shall be considered made when posted by us.
3   Bills and Statements
  By requesting that bills, statements or other communications from a Biller be sent to you through the Service, you acknowledge that you have all necessary rights, power and authority to receive such information. You acknowledge that we make no representations or warranties of any kind relating to, and are not responsible for the content of the bills, statements, invoices, advertising or other materials you may receive from Billers, or for the quality or fitness of the products or services you may have purchased from Billers.
4   Payments
  After reviewing a bill, you may direct that payment be made using the Service. You must designate a Payment Account maintained by you at a bank or other eligible financial institution (F.I.) from which payments will be made using this Service. You agree that, by scheduling a payment, you authorize SNT, the Biller to which the payment is scheduled and their respective agents to initiate debit entries to your Payment Account in such amount as is necessary to pay the Biller's bill and to initiate any debit or credit entries to your Payment Account necessary to correct any error in a payment.  You also authorize your F.I. to debit or credit your Payment Account in the amount of such payments or corrections. You undertake and warrant that you have all necessary rights, power and authority to authorize each such payment. This authorization shall remain in full force and effect until SNT has received notice from you of your termination of such authorization in such time and in such manner as to afford SNT and your F.I. reasonable opportunity to act on it.
  We will transfer funds to each respective Biller in accordance with procedures reasonably designed to enable the Biller to credit your account with the Biller as of the date you order or schedule.  Transfers made to us in this manner will be considered timely under this Terms and Conditions, and we accept no responsibility for any failure by the Biller to provide timely credit on your account in accordance with the Biller's agreement with us.
  You may also effect payment by means of your credit card in which case you will be requested to enter details of your credit card and authorization for payment.
  You may not make a payment greater than RM100,000.00 through the Service. The amount of funds you may send using the Service shall be limited by the amount of available funds you have in your Payment Account, including any available overdraft facility you may have with your F.I. and by any maximum limit to your credit card.  You agree to ensure that there are sufficient funds in your Payment Account to satisfy payments that you have ordered and that we will have no obligation to complete a transaction if there are insufficient funds.  Payments are limited to domestic (Malaysia) Billers and must be made in Ringgit Malaysia.  Other limitations on payments through the Service may be incorporated in the Service Procedures.
  Your access to your Payment Account may also be limited by your agreement(s) with your F.I. governing the Payment Account and by applicable laws and regulations.  Please consult your F.I. and refer to the Payment Account documentation regarding such limitations.  It is generally best to designate a current/savings account or credit card as your Payment Account.  SNT may from time to time set its own eligibility requirements for Payments.
5   Late Payments
  If you, in accordance with the Service Procedures, properly and timely schedule a payment to a Biller, to be made on or before its due date, and we do not complete the payment in a timely manner due to our negligence or deliberate misconduct, we will seek to have the Biller cancel or reverse any applicable fee for late payment, surcharge, interest or other penalty, failing which, SNT will absorb the same.
6   Your Password
  You must use your password to access the Service (your Password). Your Password is for your sole and exclusive use and has the same effect as your written signature in connection with the Service and can be used to access money in your Payment Account. You should treat your Password with the same degree of care and secrecy that you use to protect your other personal identification numbers or sensitive personal financial data.  Remember it is your responsibility to protect your Password. If you do not wish to use the Password assigned to you by SNT, you may apply to use your own Password in which case you should:-
  1. Choose a Password that is easy to remember but difficult for someone else to guess;
  2. Not give your Password to anyone else or store your Password on your computer;
  3. Change your Password often; and
  4. Exit from the Service whenever you leave your computer. If you authorize any other person to use your Password, such authorization shall be deemed without limitation, and we, your Financial Institution and each Biller, shall be entitled to rely on any payment orders or other entries or instructions made by or on behalf of such person using your Password until:

    • you have revoked such authorization, changed your Password, and provided us with written notice of such revocation and
    • we have had a reasonable opportunity to act upon such notice.
7   Your Liability for Unauthorized Transfers
  If you believe that that someone has made unauthorised payment from your Payment Account through the Service without your permission, contact us AT ONCE at :
SiliconNet Technologies and Sarawak Pay Customer Service (24x7)
Email :
Tel : 1-300-88-7722 (within Malaysia)
Fax : +(60)82-442522
or, write to us at
Address : SiliconNet Technologies Shn Bhd,
F11 & F12, 1st Floor, Mall 2, CityOne Megamall,
Jalan Song,
93350 Kuching,
  Notifying us immediately can help to minimise possible losses. You should also contact your F.I. at the telephone number or address they provide. We accept no responsibilities for such unauthorized transfer of your money except where it is due to our gross negligence or deliberate misconduct.
8   In Case of Errors or Questions about the Service

ALL QUESTIONS ABOUT TRANSACTIONS MADE WITH THE SERVICE MUST BE DIRECTED TO US AND TO THE F.I. WHERE YOU HAVE YOUR PAYMENT ACCOUNT.  We are responsible for the Service, answering queries regarding refunds and resolving any errors in transactions made with the Service.  Other questions related to your Payment Account should be directed to your F.I.   Questions about entries on the bills or statements that you receive through the Service, other than questions about payment made through the Service, must be directed to the Biller that sent the bill or statement.

Questions about payments made through the Service can be directed to SNT by telephone or in writing as follows:

Call : SiliconNet Technologies and Sarawak Pay Customer Service (24x7)
Email :
Tel : 1-300-88-7722 (within Malaysia)
Fax : +(60)82-442522
Address : SiliconNet Technologies Sdn Bhd,
F11 & F12, 1st Floor, Mall 2, CityOne Megamall,
Jalan Song,
93350 Kuching,
  We will not send you any statements listing transactions that you make using the Service.  Those transactions will appear only on statements issued by your F.I. YOU MUST VERIFY THE RECORD OF YOUR PAYMENTS WITH THE PAYMENT ACCOUNT STATEMENT YOU RECEIVE FROM YOUR F.I.  Telephone or write us at the address above as soon as possible, if you think your statement is incorrect in regards to a transaction initiated through the Service or if you need more information about a transfer listed on the statement that was initiated through the Service.  We must hear from you no later than ninety (90) days after the date of the FIRST statement on which the problem or error appeared.  You must provide us with the following information:
  • Your name, identity card number and your Payment Account number
  • A description of the error or the transaction you are unsure about and an explanation of why you believe there is an error or why you need more information.
  • The ringgit amount of the suspected error, transaction date and receipt number.

If you tell us orally, we may require that you send your complaint or questions in writing within ten (10) business days.

Within ten (10) business days after we hear from you, we will determine whether an error occurred and we will correct any error promptly. However, we may take up to forty-five (45) days to investigate your complaint or questions. If we need more time, we will provisionally credit your account within ten (10) business days for the amount you think was in error, so that you will have use of the credit during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. We will inform you within two (2) business days after the provisional credit of the account and the date of the crediting. If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within ten (10) business days, we may not credit your account. We will tell you the results of our investigation within three (3) business days after completion. If we decide that there was no error, we will include a written explanation. You may ask for copies of the documents that were used in our investigation. If we credit your account while investigating the error, you must repay those funds if we conclude that no error has occurred.

9   Our Liability For Failure to Complete an Electronic Fund Transfer Transaction
  If we do not complete a transfer to or from your Payment Account on time or in the correct amount due to our gross negligence or deliberate misconduct, we will be liable for any amount of shortfall in payment or for any fee, interest, surcharge or other penalty for late payment.  However, there are some exceptions.  At all times, we will not be liable:
  • If, through no fault of ours, you do not have enough money in your Payment Account to make the transfer
  • If the transfer would go over the credit limit on your overdraft on credit line, if any
  • If the payment would result in the maximum limit of your credit card being exceed
  • If the Service was not working properly and you knew about the breakdown when you scheduled the payment
  • If the failure is caused by an act or omission of someone other than us, such as (for example) your F.I., your Biller, or any provider of telecommunications services, Internet access or computer equipment or software
  • If circumstances beyond our control (such as, a fire, flood or other natural disaster, war, riot, strike, act of civil or military authority, equipment failure, computer virus, or failure or interruption of electrical, telecommunications or other utility services) interfere with the transfer, despite reasonable precautions that we have taken
  • If your Payment Account is subject to legal process or other restriction on access
  • If you do not comply with the requirements of the Terms and Conditions herein, including Service Procedures
  • If you had an opportunity to avoid or reduce any such losses or damages and failed to do so.
10   Business Days
  For purposes herein, business days means Monday through Friday, except on Federal and Sarawak State public holidays.
11   Fees
  We do not charge you any fees for the Service.  However, your F.I. may charge you fees related to the maintenance of your Payment Account, including transaction fees or fees for attempting transfers without sufficient funds.  Your biller may charge you fees related to the provision of paying your bills through our service.
12   Privacy of Information
  You acknowledge that SNT will receive certain of your private and confidential information in connection with your use of the Service.  However SNT undertakes that it will not rent, sell or otherwise make available to any third party for any reason whatsoever any of your private and confidential information or any information that personally identifies you, your Payment Account or payments you make through the Service, other than to provide the Service or to comply with applicable laws or regulations, or court orders or unless you otherwise expressly agree.  Please note that Billers whose bills you pay using the Service and F.I. may have their own privacy policies which are not controlled by SNT.
13   Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability for Damages

Except as provided in Section 9 above, the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 or as otherwise required by applicable law, you agree as follows: The Service is provided as is and with all faults, and SNT hereby disclaims, for itself and all other entities involved in the provision of the Service, all warranties, either expressed or implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or lack of viruses.

In no event shall SNT or any other entity involved in the provision of the Service be liable for (a) damages caused other than by its own gross negligence or intentional misconduct or (b) any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for lost profits, disclosure of confidential information, or loss of privacy), arising out of, or in any way related to the use of, or inability to use the Service, even if SNT or the Biller has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall SNT be liable for any act or omission of any third party (such as, your F.I., any Biller, or any provider of telecommunications services, Internet access or computer equipment or software) or any circumstances beyond our control (such as, a fire, flood or other natural disaster, war, riot, strike, act of civil or military authority, equipment failure, computer virus, or failure or interruption of electrical, telecommunications or other utility services).

14   Governing Laws
  This provision maintenance and use of the Service shall be governed by the law of the State of Sarawak and by applicable Federal laws and regulations.
15   Ammendments
  The terms and conditions herein may be added to, deleted or amended by SNT at its sole discretion at any time. You will be deemed to have had notice of any such additions, deletions or amendments upon the posting thereof on the SNT Web site. If you do not agree with any such additions, deletions or amendments, you may terminate your subscription to the Service in the manner provided below. If you do not do so and continue to use the Service then you shall be deemed to have agreed to the additions, deletions or amendments.
16   Termination of Service
  If you wish to discontinue the Service, you must write to us at the address below, or send us a message through the Service.  We must receive your written notification sent to the address below within ten (10) days prior to the termination date.
Address :   SiliconNet Technologies Sdn Bhd,
F11 & F12, 1st Floor, Mall 2, CityOne Megamall,
Jalan Song,
93350 Kuching,
  SNT may suspend or terminate your access to the Service at any time, without notice and without assigning any reason thereof.  Except as warranted by risk to the security, privacy or integrity of the Service and the payments and data processed by us, we will attempt to provide you with prior notice of suspension or termination by posting on our Web site or otherwise sending notice of termination, but we are in no way obligated to do so.  Neither termination nor discontinuation of the Service shall affect your liability for transactions initiated through the Service using your Password.  If we terminate your service, transactions scheduled for dates after the date of termination will be canceled.
17   Waivers
  No delays or omission by us in exercising any rights or remedies provided herein will impair such right or remedy or be construed as waiver of any such right or remedy. If we exercise any right or remedy, in whole or in part, that exercise will not prevent us from any further or future exercise of such right or remedy or any other right or remedy. No waiver will be valid unless in writing signed by us.
18   Headings
  Sections headings are included herein for convenience and reference only.
Note:   These terms and conditions have been prepared in English and Bahasa Malaysia and in the event of any conflict, discrepancies or variance between the two versions, then the English version shall prevail.

Last Update: 27 April 2020

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